The Vedic Dharm and Modern Science 2

The Vedic Dharm And Modern Science

(An Exploration)

Part - II

Chapter 1

(The Charectaristics of Vedic Dharm)

Dharm is eternal. It exists in all the three periods of time. It is universal. Since it is based on Natural Laws, therefore it aims to benefit the entire humanity. This is, therefore, also known as ‘Manav Dharm’. Since laws of Nature can be better understood through Modern Science, hence in this book, Dharm or ‘Manava Dharm’ has been termed as ‘Scientific Religion’ also1. Due to passage of time, the original interpretation of these laws is lost and masses are confused, resulting into blind faith and fanaticism. This leads to degradation of moral values. Consequently in every walk of life and at all levels, corruption prevails, resulting in increase of enormous sins and wicked souls. The crime rate shoots up, causing heavy unrest and violence in the society Thus humanity suffers. Therefore to restore Dharm, to protect the righteous people and destroy the wicked, Almighty from time to time incarnates in human form e.g. Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Adi-shankaracharya, Isa, Mohammed, kabir, Nanak, Dayanand Saraswati and Vivekanand etc, who re-state the right interpretation of the laws of Nature and mitigate evils prevailing in the masses. This fact is affirmed by Srimad Bhagwad Geeta also.

Chapter 2

(The Natural Laws)

The ‘Natural Laws’ are the basis of ‘Dharm’. These are aimed to keep the human sub-conscious in constant bliss and lead to salvation. Those who accept that ‘God’ exists, they say, that He performs the activity of creation, sustenance and destruction on the basis of specific laws. These laws can be analytically viewed as discussed below:-

1. The whole universe viz earth, planets, sun, moon, Rashis nakshhatras and galaxies are in constant motion and are revolving around some centre. Simultaneously they are rotating at their own axis as well.

2. On the basis of law of conservation of energy the galaxies are created and destroyed after a fixed period. When their major part is radiated, they convert into ‘dark energy’ and become invisible. All these galaxies before becoming invisible enliven the dead ones, from their own energy. This is how the continuity of the creation is maintained.

Chapter 3

(The Cultural Aspect)

While defining and elaborating ‘Dharm’ in the previous session, it has been clarified, that the Rishis have interwoven the canvas of ‘Dharm’ and culture so skillfully, that it is very difficult to segregate and identify them separately. The common man regards traditions and culture as ‘The Dharm’ itself. However, in the following paragraphs, efforts have been made to define clearly and segregate the cultural and traditional aspects of ‘Dharm’.

Culture means to discipline the masses in a specific manner and motivate them to adopt qualitative ideology in thoughts and actions. The object of this exercise is to forge unity and brotherhood amongst them also.

Chapter 4

(The Ideological Aspect)

While defining and elaborating ‘Dharm’ in the previous session, it has been clarified, that the Rishis have interwoven the canvas of ‘Dharm’ and culture so skillfully, that it is very difficult to segregate and identify them separately. The common man regards traditions and culture as ‘The Dharm’ itself. However, in the following paragraphs, efforts have been made to define clearly and segregate the cultural and traditional aspects of ‘Dharm’.

Culture means to discipline the masses in a specific manner and motivate them to adopt qualitative ideology in thoughts and actions. The object of this exercise is to forge unity and brotherhood amongst them also.

Chapter 5

(The Symbolical Aspect)

While describing the process of creation, quite a lot has been discussed about the unmanifest God, godforces and their symbols. In previous sessions, details have also been given about the importance, constitution and research done on symbols. Before taking up the detailed discussion on few important symbols, it is essential to re-iterate, that the designing of symbols was done by the Rishis to simplify the subtle knowledge of Vedas and transfer the same to the following generations. Undoubtedly any painting of an individual is not the individual himself, but through facial, expressions it definitely projects the personality as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of the person.

Basis of designing of symbols :- Usually a tree bears a fruit and the fruit has a seed. The entire future tree is inherent in the seed, thus the Rishis concluded, that the ‘Karma’ produces the fruit of action and the tendency. The tendency (seed) again produces the events of ensuing life.

Chapter 6

(The Literary Aspect)

The Rishis had clearly seen the laws of Nature on the screen of their sub-conscious in the state of trance (Samadhi). That is why, the Vedic Dharm is also known as ‘Dharm Darshan’. Following lines shall reveal the history of evolution of Vedic ‘Dharm Darshan’.

Scenario at global level:- In ancient days, it was Vedic Dharm which prevailed on the whole globe. May it be in peace-meal. History testifies this fact, that Vedic Dharm is the first and ancient one. In whatever part excavations have been carried out, the idols have been found or existed earlier e.g. in Mexican museum there is a big collection of idols of Hindu gods. This points out to the fact that whatever civilization flourished there, the same was imported from India, because the idea of icons was originally discovered by Vedic Rishis. The countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, where Muslims are in majority and these states are ruled by them also, yet the dramatization of the Rama Katha, existence of temples and placement of idols of Sri Ganesha at public places is prevalent even to-day.

Chapter 7

(The Macroscopic View)

Mother earth is the part of our galaxy (macro). The sun, the moon, the planets, the constellations and Nakshhatras have the total control on every event occurring on the earth. Therefore, to have the knowledge of totality, we have to understand precisely what is happening in our galaxy and the universe as a whole. In the following paragraphs effort has been made to present the comparative study of up-to-date researches made by the modern science and researches already made by Vedic scientists in the past.

Modern science and creation: -Today the science is sincerely trying to explore the creator and its creation through powerful telescopes, radio telescopes, satellites etc. Since human beings are living on earth, therefore, it is believed, that there may be living highly evolved humanity in some other planet, Nakshhatra or the galaxy as well. Undoubtedly the effort being made by the scientific world in this direction is praiseworthy. Suppose we succeed and meet with such a situation in future, even then there will remain many a questions unanswered, e.g:

Chapter 8

(The Aspect of Health Session)

There are several kinds of pains and sorrows in human life. Out of all that to remain diseased is perhaps the most painful. The diseased person can neither enjoy the material world nor can he succeed on the path of spirituality. Since sound mind lives in a sound body, that is why, it has been said, that diseaseless body is the straight road to happiness. The world health organisation has defined the health in following terms:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. A fourth dimension has also been suggested namely spiritual health.”

According to Vedic Rishis, the health is a state, when the mind remains totally absorbed in contemplation of the self. Such a person is said to be completely healthy.

Chapter 9

(The Essence of Culture and Dharm)

In the previous eight sessions effort, have been made to identify the aspect of Dharm and Culture from abinitio. In the following lines fresh efforts have been made to throw light on the main points of Dharm and Culture.

Cyclic motion of the creation:- Every celestial body (including galaxies) is in constant cyclic motion. Due to such motion, the time also moves in cyclic order i.e. the creation, sustenance and annihilation of the universe also have fixed periodicity and fixed order. Our galaxy completes one revolution (one Manu)1 around some unknown centre in thirty crores, eighty five Lakhs, seventy one thousand four hundred and thirty (30,85,71,430) solar years. During this period, the creation of living beings on earth takes place on the basis of tendencies and pre-birth Karmas.


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