Scientific Religion
Harmony Unveiled: Bridging the Wisdom of Vedic Dharma with the Frontiers of Modern Science.
TRENDINGBook review
BOOKSThis month
The Vedic Dharm and Modern Science
Scientific religion₹600.00
This is a valuable scientific work worth appraisal by heart
Honorable, his highness, Bharat Ratna, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
/ Former President of IndiaThe Book Presents the scientific Analysis of Hindu Sanatan Dharm with Evidences of new researches and findings - The Critique and Analysis of Dharm given in the book provides a new Insight. The Book is equally useful for youth, elder Students research Scholars, Inquisitive readers, Thinkers, preachers and Scientists. Book is an Ocean of knowledge.
Padam Vibhushan R.A. Mashelker F.R.S
/ Director General CSIR & Secretary Govt of India, Department of Scientific & Industrial ResearchOne day this publication shall be welcomed by the International society as a world level scripture and in order to mitigate blind faith prevailing amongst religions, this scientific work should compulsorily be taught in all schools & Colleges
Honorable Ashok Singhal
/ Former President Vishva Hindu ParishadThis Scripture is an outstanding one, but also the transcription of some Divine instructions.
Swami Gokulanand
/ Head and Secretary, Rama Krishna Mission DelhiIn this Book, worth mentioning is regarding Nirakar (Formler) and Saakar (with form) worship of Good which is a unique technique. Thus this Creation is equivalent to the world famo Scientific work known as ' The Tao of physics' by Dr. Fritjof Eapra. Hope that scientific analysis of Vedic Dharm shall satisfy the Inquisitive minds of modern people.
Prof. B.R. Chawla
/ Ex President, M.SC., LLB., FIF FIETE, F.l.Mech., E-Dip. T.D. FIEFF P.G.D.B.M., E.Eng., Wing Commander (IAF)ये लेख दार्शनिक चिन्तन की गहराइयो एव विवेकसंगत व्यवहार को छूने में सक्षम सिद्ध हुआ है।
DR. L.M. Singhvi M.P.
/ Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India & President Indira Gandhi National Centre for The ArtsOn Careful examination of composition in this book, It can be stated that this book, infect is a holy Scripture in terms of modern science.
Rakesh Saxena Chief, Editer
/ B.Sc., B. Arche (Hons), M.S. (USA), Ph.D., LL.B., AIIA., AITP, ASTR, MKSE, ASCPE, APAJoin for Blogs and Updates
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