The Vedic Dharm and Modern Science 3

The Vedic Dharm And Modern Science

(An Exploration)

Part - III

Chapter 1

Human Physiology Anatomy; Dharm and Symbols

The essence of the ideas expressed by Dr. Frit Jof Capra, the author of the world renowned book “The Tao of Physics” (P-82-83) is given below:-

The positive charge existing in the nucleus of an atom and the negative charge of electrons can be experienced easily in the macro. Due to these forces of attraction, several atoms are created through chemical reactions, which further form molecules. Such forces of attraction are the basis for the creation of all kinds of solids, liquids and gaseous materials as well as the constitution of the physical bodies of all living beings:

Chapter 2

(Gayatri Mantra The Research of Science of Symbolism)

Gayatri Mantra is highly respected by all the sections of Vedic Dharm. It is also known as ‘Savitri’ and ‘Ved-mata’. It is regarded as mahamantra i.e. supreme of all the mantras. Following lines will reveal the main features of this mantra.

1. Common Meaning:- The meaning of this mantra commonly prevailing amongst the masses is –

“Oh Lord! of the form of truth, consciousness and bliss. Oh omniscient, omnipotent, inspiring and enlightening. You are omnipresent, you are the ocean of divine powers, whose glory is manifest in the form of suns. You are the bestower of fearlessness. You are the creator and you are greater than the greatest. We meditate upon the dazzling light of that reverred deity. Oh Lord! benevolent and kind. Please infuse spiritual energy in us and always lead our body, intellect and speech towards righteousness”

Chapter 3 (a)

(Cow-The symbol of mother earth)

The terms ‘Govind’, ‘Gayatri’, Ganga’ and ‘Go’ (cow) have been given very high priority in ‘Sanatan (eternal) Vedic Dharm’. Out of the four names, there is a great confusion prevailing in the masses about Ganga river and Go (cow) since long. Due to such wrong notion, India has suffered a lot in the recent past. This wrong interpretation has not been amended even to-day, hence there is every possibility for the country to suffer again. How and when such confusion developed can be known on understanding the science of symbolism.

1. Science of symbolism:- This principle is the basis of ‘Sanatan (eternal) Vedic Dharm’. In fact God and his tributary godforces are unmanifest and formless.

Chapter 3 (b)

(The Symbols-Commonly used in Puranas)

Rishis created a vast literature under the Sundaram’ (charming, entertaining and pleasing) plan. It appears, that the analytical part of symbols has been destroyed during the foreign rule of more than a thousand of years. The objective of creating symbols was mainly to convey the subtle knowledge of spirituality in as simple manner as possible to the common man. Thus the knowledge of science of Yoga i.e. contemplation, meditation and Samadhi have also been transmitted to us through the symbols. Under this sundaram plan number of god-forces governing the cosmos were symbolised. Some of the chief symbols used in myths and compiled in Puranas are described below in brief:-

(i) Paras Stone:- It is a stone, which is believed can convert iron into gold. In fact this is the symbol of a perfect guru, who can convert his disciple just like himself by transmitting spiritual knowledge and yogic power into him and get him freed from the clutches of cycle of life and death.

Chapter 4

(The Life Force (Prana)- A Modern View)

Yoga scriptures, specially the ‘Patanjali Yog Darshan’ gives specific status to ‘Prana’ – Srimad Bhagwad Geeta and specially Ayurveda carries special reference about ‘Prana’. Srimad Bhagwad Geet says:- ‘By controlling the Prana”, which moves through the nose and ‘Apana3, the thought flow (mind) and intellect can be easily controlled…..(5/27).

Some people recognize ‘Prana’ as soul, whereas others take it as the activity of breathing. The entire creation including human beings is the composition of inert mass, the ‘Prana’ and the conscious principle – the spirit. In case of human beings, the prana (electro magnetic energy) contributes in the formation of physical body, the vital energy, thinking mind, intellect, sub-conscious mind and the EGO. All these entities are inert, yet they behave as live. This happens due to the presence of the conscious principle – the spirit.

Chapter 5

(Praying Deities – Fulfilment of worldly Desires)

Prior to attainment of salvation, every human being essentially desires to fulfill his physical needs, e.g. bread, clothing, shelter, education, protection from adversities, welfare of family and so on. Having the vision of totality, the Rishis have, therefore, designed the system of praying various deities, so that the individual fulfills his pre-requisite needs of family life.

In the modern times, several eager practitioners enchanted and fascinated from the great benefits of ‘meditation’ and ‘Samadhi’ start trying meditation without studying the eight scientific steps of Patanjali yoga from a perfect Guru. Unless the flickering mind, which is the main hurdle is tamed through preparatory steps taught by Rishi Patanjali, the success in meditation and Samadhi is impossible.

Chapter 6

(An Ideal Democracy The Rishi Tantra)

1. Object:- This is a system of administration, which is based on discipline and is aimed to lead every individual to the ultimate goal of human life i.e. salvation. In fact Rishis had designed this system to save the human souls from falling to lower yonis like dogs, lions, worms etc.

2. Training at School level:- The admission of a student (Brahmchari) at Gurukuls (School + College + University) was based on the colour of his sub-conscious. Blue colour was sent to Defence, green to Spiritual Sciences and allied subjects, black colour to Commerce and Industry departments. Rest of the colours were admitted for technical education. Thus there was no caste system. The term ‘Shudra’ means the individual (a) who does not accept the existence of God (b) is characterless (c) has criminal tendencies. Each student under strict discipline was forged a best, cultured human being strictly obeying the divine constitution i.e. “Law of Karma” and carrying the goal of selfless duty. Such Brahmachari (student) was known as Dwij. This type of education naturally led him to salvation.

Chapter 7

(A System of Character Building The Gotra Vigyan)

1. Object:- This system started in order to establish identification of a person in the society. The inspiration which appears to have been derived in India goes back to Mahabharat period. When Arjuna a famous warrior introduced himself in a big assembly in the following way :-

“I am Drona Shishya, Pandu Putra- Arjuna”,

Since ‘Drona’ was a highly respected and righteous Brahmin guru of the Mahabharat times and famous for all kinds of warfare techniques, therefore Arjuna learnt the war techniques from him. So while introducing himself, Arjuna, named his guru first and Pandu the name of his father as second. It seems that there was a tradition to relate oneself with his guru (teacher). The object was to maintain high moral character of each individual in the society through gotra system. Thus gotra means a sort of vow by the individual, that his teacher is a respectable person and he will not hurt his respect under any circumstances by his wrong and unrighteous behaviour.

Chapter 8

(The Vision of Totality Sathyam, Shivam Sundaram)

There are several characteristic features in Vedic Dharm, but the Vision of Totality is one, which gives Vedic Dharm the status of eternity, universality and true for all three periods of time.

Some facts to support this speciality of Vedic Dharm are given below:-

1. Vision of Totality:- The Rishis have propounded numerous laws in their multifarious researches. While searching through the nature, they found several valuable gems whom they interwove into the garland of human life and left for us as valuable heritage. The vision of totality is one such priceless gem, which gave birth to a great noble statement, like ‘Sathyam Shivam Sundaram.’ Somehow we have not been able to understand the object, the meaning and the benefits of the great and noble statement of ‘Sathyam Shivam and Sundaram’. So we made wrong interpretations. Thus the society and the scholars are confused and astrayed.

Chapter 9

(Scientific Analysis of Homeopathy)

1.1 This paper seeks to explain the concept of homoeopathy in relation to the modern science as well as ancient philosophy. It explains the role of human mind in creation of the diseases and the necessity of counteracting the disease by the homoeopathic doses of appropriate energy level.

1.2 one of the things, that has puzzled scientific investigators, is the persistent recurrence of stories relating to the extra sensory perceptions. Such stories continue to come to light without proper explanation. There is one, where a woman dreamt, that her son was killed in a battle. She awoke, looked at clock, it was 2 A.M. the next day a telegram arrived stating, that her son had been killed at 2 A.M. Another woman dreamt, that she was visited by her son, who said, “I am leaving this world and going to a better place and won’t be able to see you again. She received a message the following day, saying that, her son had left the physical world.”